Gourd Bag Exchange is now closed!

(examples from previous excahnges)

You have heard of a grab bag, well this will be a Gourd Bag. A box of surprises that will be sent to you and one that you will send out to aname drawn for you! [of course you have to enter first]

Your "Gourd Bag" MUST contain a Minimum of 3 different items and they Must be Gourd Related Items. Something one might be able to embellish on a gourd or to use in gourding. --- Can be more than 3 items, whatever
your heart desires, but Must have at least 3 items. 

If possible, try to send one item that is "Native to Your state", that can be used as an embellishment or incorporated into gourd art. -- 2nd., 3rd. or More items can also be of the above nature or can be other gourd
related items that your partner Can Use. [no junky items, please] Quantity of each item should be enough to do something with. Example: 1 devils claw would be sufficient, but one or two pine needles would

No photos for this exchange. ---- Just a Thank You sent to your partner and a description of what you receive sent to the Club Gourd list.

Interested? Send your full name & home address to me: bevsnooks@webtv.net

  • Please put Gourd Bag in the Subject line.
  • Do NOT send your address to GG
  • Deadline to send your Entry to Bev is: Thursday, June 24, 2004 

 SEND OUT your Gourd Bag will be During the Week of July 11, 2004 ~~Not before and not after~~

Not much work to speak of will be involved in this one, so that is why not much time is given to send out.

I have compiled a great list of gourd related items suggested by Club Gourd members:

Philadendron Sheaths - Pine needles - Pine Cones - Pods - Sinew - Bark - Sweet Grass - Sea Shells - Devils Claw - River [sm] rocks or Pebbles - Dried Fungus - Acorns - Nuts - Palm Flower Fonds -  Driftwood - Animal Teeth / Bones Seeds - Gourds - Patterns - Gourd Books Paint brushes - Foam Brushes - Antlers - Sea Sponge - Leather strips - feathers - Beads - Colored Glass pieces - Raffia - Sm. hinges & latches - Jobs Tears - Semi precious gems - Paper clay - Sculptey - Sand paper - Sanding block - Emery boards - Copper Scrubber - Wooden dowels - Gold leafing - Wax string - Plastic Rings - Bracelets - Egg Holders - Jute - Exacto knife - Stylus - Tracing paper - Stencils - Colored Pencils - Oil Pencils - Permanent Markers - Stain - Leather dye - Paste Wax - Good Glue - Peat Pots - Plastic gloves - Garden Gloves - Q-Tips - Brass brush -- - Polymer clay - Ornament tops - Glitter - Gourd I.D. chart - Tips sheets - Tutorial - Instant Rust - Snow - Metallic thread or cord - Beading wire and needle - Moss - Fancy Buttons - Yukka Fibers - Jewelry - etc.

Hope it will be a fun one for you all to do.

Want to join in? --- You can start sending your name & home address to me right away at: bevsnooks@webtv.net

After entries are closed, I will draw a name and email to you. You in turn will send your Gourd Bag to that person.

P.S. PLEASE let me know When you SEND OUT and when you RECIEVE YOUR Gourd Bags. Thanks.

Any questions or concerns, be sure to notify me. ALSO, after entering the exchange, if you find for some reason that you can Not fullfill you obligation, please let me know right away so the matter can be taken care of.

NOTE: Anyone Not fullfilling their exchange obligations, and not notifying me about it, will have to set out the next 2 exchanges or possibly be banned from further exchanges.

Bev, Exchange Mgr.
Bev in Mich.

Examples from our previous exchanges:

First Egg exchange received
Cyhthia B  to Sheila S
First Bowl exchange received
Sandra P to Janice D
     Christmas exchange gourd     
from Alyce W to Dad W

quick link to the "Grins & Frowns" page -- where members list their exchange preferences.