APPLICATION to Gourd Garden 2000:



City, State, Zip:

Phone #:

Free Seeds Please!

Why you want to be a part of this project:

How did you find out about this project?

Experience or anecdote relating to gourds:

Print this page, complete the information and mail with a check or money order for $5.00 made out to Lenny Feldberg* and four (4) $.33 cent stamps to 3635 N.Mozart, Chicago IL 60618. You will receive free seeds if you need them with directions from germination through harvest, and you will receive a year's mailing of our newsletter. (The $5.00 covers the cost of printing and the four stamps keeps the mailing costs low.) If you were a part of the 1999 project and your seeds did not grow and you would like to try again, send $5.00 and four $.33 cent stamps and we will send you fresh seeds and new directions along with Volume II of our newsletter.

*Who are Joan and Lenny the Gourd Guy? Joan Riise and Lenny Feldberg are a Chicago artist couple who became enamored of gourds when they planted their first garden 8 years ago. Joan's work was natured based and Lenny was a nature photographer. Gourds offered a deepening of relationship with elemental forces of Nature. Since 1996 they have been instinctively leading community gourd gardens.

The Millennium Project has evolved from a single seed grown in one tiny backyard Chicago garden to an outreach of 2000 gardens that they envision embracing Mother Earth, along the way, rediscovering our common roots one garden at a time. We invite you to join us as we plant seeds of peace and dream the future vision.

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