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Joan Riise
3635 N. Mozart
Chicago IL 60618

Thank you for you interest in this book. It has truly been a labor of love. We welcome your questions and comments!

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Contact Joan by e-mail at: riisearch@hotmail.com

 Links of interest:
American Gourd Society - americangourdsociety.org
Illinois Gourd Society - Illinoisgourdsociety.org
Indiana Gourd Society - indianagourdsociety.org
Goddess Gourd Festival -happypages.com/goddessgourdfestival
Gourds by Jeanie - gourdsbyjeanie.com
IceCube Press - Icecubepress.com
Sandlady's Gourd Farm - www.sandlady.com
The Caning Shop - www.caning.com

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